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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering II
Presentation Title Contact Angle Measurement Comparisons of Common Additive Materials and Processes
Author(s) Holly Martin, Arthur Kasson, Ibrahim Al Qanber, Brett Conner
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Holly Martin
Abstract Scope The wettability and surface energy of materials is important to understand because it demonstrates the tendency of a liquid material to spread across solid surfaces. The more easily a liquid spreads across the solid, the higher the wettability and surface energy of that surface. This spreading of liquids is vitally important in the use of binder jet printing, where the metal powder is held together by a binder material. To ensure that the metal powder and binder material adhere together, the metal powder must be adequately wetted by the binder. The KRUSS Drop Shape Analyzer 100 allows for the examination of contact angles and surface energy for both solid surfaces and powder materials. Various particle size distributions powders and sands will be examined with water and with the binder material to determine wettability, while the surface energy will be determined using water and diiodomethane.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


Characterization of Precipitates Evolution in Laser Assisted Cold Spray of AA7050 and AA7075
Contact Angle Measurement Comparisons of Common Additive Materials and Processes
Electroplating Powder for Cold Spray Applications
Enhanced Bond Durability of 7xxx Automotive Alloy by Surface Modification
High Temperature Oxidation Behaviors of SiON Coated AISI 441 in Different Atmospheres
Investigation on the Laser Surface Treatment of Steel and Aluminum with a Single Mode Pulsed Fiber Laser Source
Laser Assisted Cold Spray Applied to Austenitic Stainless Steel
M-50: The Synchronous Suppression - Reinforced Dispersion Behaviors of Regulators on Micro Fine Ilmenite and Titanaugite
Mitigation of Asphaltene Deposition on Pipeline Alloy Steel Using Low-temperature Pack Aluminization
Morphological Control of Tantalum Carbide through Surface Doping
Multilayer, Multifunctional Thermal Coatings Enabled by Layered Manufacturing
Pulse Potentiostatic Deposition of Fe-Zn based Intermetallic Coatings and Evaluation of its Catalytic Activity for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Surface Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Cr-coated Zr-4 Accident Tolerant Fuels Cladding Prepared using Different Coating Techniques
Surface Chemistry and Subsurface Microstructure after Spot-by-spot laser-interference Processing of Al 2024-T3

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