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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Looking Outside Materials Science: Lessons Learned for and from Materials Discovery - A Student-Led Symposium
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Computational Materials Science and Engineering Committee
Organizer(s) Katelyn Jones, Carnegie Mellon University
Robert Daniel Moore, Lehigh University
Yasir Mahmood
Ashley D. Spear, University of Utah
Natasha Vermaak, Lehigh University
Scope Presentations by invitation only.

Materials science stands as a cornerstone of advancement, opening myriad pathways for innovation. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, we recognize that industries are increasingly reliant on computational tools. It is also important to acknowledge other research areas and fields that have developed tools that may be leveraged for materials exploration. Such interdisciplinary collaborations and opportunities for convergence research are essential, particularly where materials design and development are critical. This symposium will spotlight the exchange of tools between materials science and a set of diverse and sometimes unlikely partners or industries. Some examples may include geological research methodologies, the field of nanomaterials for precise drug delivery, medical image processing techniques, and additive manufacturing of advanced biomaterials. We aim to illuminate these collaborations and innovative approaches using materials science as a versatile tool for shaping the future across various domains.

This year's symposium focuses on the following areas:
(1) Experimental and/or computational tools from material science being modified for use in other fields and industries.
(2) How tools in other fields can be modified and leveraged for materials design and discovery.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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