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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium DMMM5: A Decade of Creating Inclusion and Belonging for Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Professions
Sponsorship TMS: Membership Diversity & Development Committee
TMS: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Organizer(s) Eric N. Brown, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Blythe Gore Clark, Sandia National Laboratories
Ben Britton, University of British Columbia
Lauren M. Garrison, Commonwealth Fusion Systems
Keith J. Bowman, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Chelsey Z. Hargather, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Olivia D. Underwood Jackson, Sandia National Laboratories
Katelyn Jones, NIST
Suveen N. Mathaudhu, Colorado School of Mines
Emily E. Moore, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Semanti Mukhopadhyay, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mary O'Brien, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ashley Elizabeth Paz y Puente, University of Cincinnati
Soumya Varma, KLA Corporation
Yongqiang Wang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Eva Zarkadoula, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Scope Starting with the first TMS Summit on Creating and Sustaining Diversity in the Minerals, Metals, and Materials (DMMM) Professions in 2014 at the National Academy of Sciences, TMS embarked on exploring and cultivating diversity through the sharing proven, practical solutions members can take back to our workplaces where diverse participation in our profession enhances creativity, innovation, and productivity. Over the past decade, TMS has held four DMMM summits that have focused on gender, race, LGBTQ+, and neurodivergence topics in science and engineering and addressing unconscious bias, imposter syndrome, hiring best practices, and allyship. These summits have provided us with new resources toward greater inclusion and diversity in the field of Minerals, Metals, and Materials. This fifth summit will highlight the progress and lessons learned of the past decade, while discovering tools and opportunities for continuing future progress.

Session 1, Time: (Tuesday afternoon): A Decade of DMMM Impact
We will review the topics, lessons learned, and progress from the first four DMMM summits with speakers representing the previous summits. In addition to reviewing key ideas and impacts from past summits, we will explore intersectionality as we engage prior attendees and introduce new attendees to foundational themes in this space.

Session 2, Time: (Wednesday morning): Physical & Cognitive Diversity
Continuing on from our introduction of this topic at DMMM4, we will explore diversity in physical, cognitive, and/or sensory experience. We will discuss how to create and maintain a culture of inclusion and belonging for those with physical and cognitive diversity, and embrace these unique gifts.

Session 3, Time: (Wednesday afternoon): Taking Actions to Continue Progress
For the closing Plenary of the first DMMM, Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus, shared that “Although progress has been made during my career in increasing diversity throughout the various fields of science and technology, equal entry has not yet been achieved. Many reasons will be given why it is in the public interest to achieve this goal..” To further this vision, we will explore the present day context, drivers and agents of change that are required to assist individuals and TMS as a society as a whole to support continuing progress in inclusion and diversity.

Session 4, Time: (Thursday morning): Personal & Professional Development
Our last session will focus on personal and professional development of DMMM5 attendees, and facilitating their growth in the systems and environments in which they work. This will provide an opportunity to celebrate progress made, which concurrently empowering us all and sustaining positive call to action for the future.

In addition to this symposium, we have proposed that that the All Society Plenary Speaker on Tuesday includes a DEI component in their message and as part of this messaging, the DMMM5 agenda be highlighted.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided

A Decade of DMMM Impact
Best Practices for Resume Review and Hiring Pannels—Hands on Activity
Breaking Barriers and Materials: Uncovering Constance Tipper's Impact on Metallurgy and Inclusion
Creating a Trauma Informed Environment: A Survivors Perspective
Diversity in Career Opportunities
Inclusion and Diversity in Hardware Engineering at Apple
Mitigating Implicit Bias to Foster Inclusion and Belonging
Professional Development as a Structural Materials Researcher
Which Faculty Diversity Programs Work? Evidence From 600 Colleges and Universities

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