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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Deformation-induced Phase Transformations
Organizer(s) Yangyang Zhao, Purdue University
Jonah Klemm-Toole, Colorado School of Mines
Amy J. Clarke, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Janelle P. Wharry, University of Illinois
Scope Mechanical deformation of materials, including deformation applied during processing or in-service, can alter the phase stability or phase transformation kinetics, and subsequently have profound consequences on the mechanical and structural integrity of components. This symposium will explore deformation-driven phase stability, nucleation, separation, and transformation from a fundamental, mechanistic perspective, using both experiments and/or theory. More practical studies that lead to greater understanding of the effect of deformation-induced phase transformation on in-service performance of components, are also of interest.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Phase transformations at constant chemical compositions
-Martensitic phase transformations
-Crystal structure change and polymorphism
-Disordering and amorphization
* Phase transformations with chemical composition changes
-Dynamic nucleation
-Precipitation during working, shaping, or forming
* Shape-memory phenomena
* Development of extreme plasticity (e.g. TRIP steels)
* Severe plastic deformation effects
* Effect of phase transformations on mechanical properties or material functionality
* Synergistic computational and experimental studies

Abstracts Due 04/15/2021

Accounting for Phase Transformation in Plastic Anisotropy Modeling of SS316L
Analysis of Stress State of Plastic Medium Influence on Structural Transformations in Low-alloy Steels
Ausforming of Ferrium M54 Ultra-high Strength Steel
Engineering Microstructures for Conventionally and Additively Manufactured Ni-based Superalloys
Influence of 3D Microstructure on Deformation-induced Martensitic Transformation Studied by In Situ High-energy Diffraction Microscopy and Crystal Plasticity Modeling
Intrinsic Coupling between Deformation Twinning and Phase Transformation in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys and Metastable Beta Ti-alloys
Localized Phase Transformation at Stacking Faults and the Corresponding Alloy Design Strategy
P1-18: Bimetallic Billets for Magnesium-thermal Production of High Quality Sponge Titanium
P1-19: High-cut Steel Property Researches For Taps’ Manufacture
Solid Phase Plasticity Mechanisms in Metals and Rocks during Shear Deformation
Wire Size Effect on the Nucleation of Fatigue Cracks Near Non-metallic Inclusions in Superelastic Nitinol

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