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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thermal Transport in Crystalline and Non-crystalline Solids: Theory and Experiments
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Marat Khafizov, Ohio State University
Michael E. Manley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Krzysztof Gofryk, Idaho National Laboratory
Aleksandr Chernatynskiy, Missouri Science and Technology University
Scope This symposium solicits presentations covering emerging topics in thermal transport phenomena in solid materials for applications that include thermal management in electronics and energy conversion systems, efficient heat transport, thermal barrier coating, thermal switches and thermoelectrics.

Topics include physical processes that govern heat transport include behavior of phonons, electrons, magnons, spin density waves, phasons, amplitudons, and other collective many body effects and their interactions. Of particular interest is a mesoscale transport, where the spatial extent of the microstructural inhomogeneity is comparable to the mean free path of the heat carriers. Additionally, areas that consider manipulation of thermal transport by external stimuli such as electric and magnetic fields, mechanical strain, and chemical potential fields are invited.
Experimental methods on the measurement of bulk conductivity, carrier band-structure and lifetime using an array of characterization methods. The advanced characterization methods may include spectrally resolved thermal transport, electron, x-ray, and neutron scattering. Laser based methods for measuring thermal transport and propagation of carriers are also of interest. Modeling methods may include ab-initio, density functional theory methods, molecular dynamics simulations, Boltzmann transport equations and others.
Additional topics and material systems of interest include:
• Materials for thermal management and switches for information processing and energy utilizations
• Thermal transport in correlated-electrons, 2D materials, mesoscale effects, extended defects, anisotropic thermal conductivity, many-body effects, and f-electron systems
• Spectroscopy and characterization tools of carrier dispersion, lifetime, anharmonicity
• Control of thermal transport, tunable thermal conductivity, thermal switches
• Picosecond ultrasonics, time domain Brillouin scattering
• Nuclear fuels, solid oxide fuel cells, and batteries

Abstracts Due 07/15/2019
Proceedings Plan Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume

Advancing Insights into Phonon Thermal Transport with Theory/experiment Interactions
Determining the Impact of Material Microstructure on the Effective Thermal Conductivity Using Mesoscale Simulation and Modeling
Electronic Structure and Thermal Transport Measurement of GdxSb2-xTe3
Impact of Irradiation Induced Nanoscale Defects on Optical and Thermal Properties of Cerium Dioxide
Influence of Irradiation-induced Microstructural Defects on the Thermal Conductivity of Single Crystal Thorium Dioxide
Investigations of the Thermal Conductivity of UN
Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Quartz at High Pressure and Temperature from the Boltzmann Transport Equation
Mesoscale Modeling of Thermal Conductivity of a UO2 and BeO Composite Nuclear Fuel
Multi-scale Thermal Transport Characterization of Nuclear Fuels
Multi Scale Modeling of the Thermal Conductivity: Combining First Principle Calculations with Monte Carlo
Nano- and Micro-scale Thermal Transport in Swift heavy Ion Irradiated Oxides
Non-linear Thermal Resistance Trend with Increasing Bilayer Density
Nonlinear Stopping of Phonons in Thermoelectric Crystal PbSe
Phonon Dispersion and Linewidth in ThO2 Measured by Neutron Scattering
Physics-guided Machine-Learning Design of Aperiodic Superlattices with Maximum Localization of Coherent Phonons
Structural, Transport, Magnetic, and Thermodynamic Studies of Delta-phase of Uranium
Study of Thermal Transport Properties of Thorium Dioxide Single Crystals
The Degradation of the Thermal Conductivity of Oxide Nuclear Fuel
Thermal Transport in Crystalline Solids with Irradiation-Induced Defects: Computational Modeling and Experiments
Thermal Transport in Nanostructured Crystalline and Disordered Materials
Thermal Transport in ThO2
Thermal Transport Properties of Uranium Aluminides by First-principles

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