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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Porous Materials for Biomedical Applications
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS: Biomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Usman Liaqat, National University of Sciences and Technology
Waheed Miran, National University of Sciences and Technology
Khurram Yaqoob, National University of Sciences and Technology
Xizi Long, University of South China
Scope With the unique structural characteristics and tunable properties, porous materials play an important role in Biomedical Applications. This symposium will focus on various biomedical applications of porous materials. It will bring together scientists, engineers, and professionals from various fields to share their ideas and challenges and the solutions related to the development of porous materials and their subsequent applications in biomedical area. Following research areas will be of key importance in this symposium.

1. Biosensing and Diagnostics
2. Drug Delivery Systems
3. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
4. Theranostic Platforms
5. Biocompatible Coatings and Implants
6. Antimicrobial Applications

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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