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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of High and Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics and Composites: Processing, Characterization and Testing
Sponsorship ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division
ACerS Manufacturing Division
ACerS Young Professionals Network
Organizer(s) Corson L. Cramer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Greg E. Hilmas, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Lisa M. Rueschhoff, Air Force Research Laboratory
David J. Mitchell, University of Central Florida
Scope The scope of this symposium focuses on fabrication of high and ultra-high temperature ceramics and fiber-reinforced ceramic composites using additive manufacturing (AM) methods. AM of ceramics and ceramic composites is not new but still requires considerable research and development, particularly with respect to characterization and testing. The characterization and testing methods for ceramics produced by AM are largely the same, but the layering affects, preform and final density, as well as the shape complexity of printed ceramic components all affect the processing and structure, leading to properties that can vary compared to traditional bulk ceramic materials. Also, it is important to test higher temperature thermal and mechanical properties for AM fabricated materials, as well as their ablation and corrosion response at high temperatures and in high enthalpy flows, in plasmas, under irradiation conditions, and in other extreme environments where these materials are expected to be applied in the future.

Proposed topic areas relating to the AM of high and ultra-high temperature ceramics and composites include, but are not limited to:
• AM methods such as binder jetting, stereolithography, selective laser melting, extrusion based AM, and fused deposition modeling
• Enhancements to commercial AM systems or novel system design for improved fabrication
• In-situ process monitoring for enhanced microstructural control (e.g. fiber alignment and/or placement, powder packing, etc.)
• Process modeling for enhanced understanding of structure-property-processing relationships
• Unique and novel strategies to overcome inherent densification issues
• High temperature thermomechanical characterization (e.g. oxyacytelyne torch, laser heating, plasma exposure, high-temperature mechanical testing, etc.)

Abstracts Due 05/08/2023

3D Printing of Ceramic Composites
A-9: Advanced Manufacturing of Complex Zirconium Carbide Structures for Space Nuclear Propulsion
Additive Manufacturing for Functionally Graded Advanced Ceramics
Additive Manufacturing of Silicon Carbide Ceramics at the Micron-/nano- Particle Size for Hypersonic Capabilities
Additive Manufacturing of Silicon Nitride Using Stereolithography
Anisotropic Shrinkage of Additively Manufactured Ceramics Via Stereolithography
Carbide Based Fiber Growth by Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition
Effect of Variations in Carbon Fiber Loading of Silicon Carbide and Zirconium Diboride Cmcs Through Direct Ink Writing
Extrusion Based 3-D Printing of Reinforced SiC Using Hydrogel Pastes
Interpenetrating Phase Heterogeneous Ceramic-refractory Metal Composite Materials Created via Additive Manufacturing
Residual Stress in Additively Manufactured Alumina via Stereolithography
Robocasting Sintered SiC and Alumina for Extreme Applications
Towards Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing of High-temperature Ceramics - Understanding the Fundamentals to Overcome Processing Challenges
Vat Photopolymerization-based Additive Manufacturing of Different Non-oxide Ceramics

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