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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Sustainability of High Temperature Alloys
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: High Temperature Alloys Committee
Organizer(s) Mark C. Hardy, Rolls-Royce Plc
Caspar Schwalbe, MTU Aero Engines AG
Jeremy Rame, Naarea
Benjamin Adam, Oregon State University
Jonah Klemm-Toole, Colorado School of Mines
Martin Detrois, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Katerina A. Christofidou, University of Sheffield
Scope The Symposium is aimed at high temperature alloys, those based on Ni, Co and Fe, that are used for components in aerospace propulsion, power generation, chemical processing, and oil and gas applications. It is proposed that the following topics areas are discussed, based on the 6 R’s: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Re-use, Repair, Recycle. Rethink: substitute with other alloys or materials, and Refuse: conscious efforts to minimise or avoid using critical elements, e.g., Ru, Re, Co, Ta etc, in alloy development and materials selection. Reduce: strategies for reducing consumption or input weight, e.g., use of different material processes, and extending component service-life via improved understanding of material and component behaviour. Re-use: cleaning and re-conditioning technologies for components, and inspection of components in-situ or during shop visits and Recycle: use of revert for raw material supply. Repair: restoring components after deterioration in-service.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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