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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Bladesmithing 2025
Sponsorship TMS: Bladesmithing Committee
Organizer(s) Samuel Wagstaff, Oculatus Consulting
Scope Share what you learned while preparing for the 2024 TMS Bladesmithing Competition and bring new ideas for the 2026 competition to the Bladesmithing Symposium at TMS2025.

The Bladesmithing at TMS program brings key metallurgical concepts to life for university students. The TMS Bladesmithing Competition, held every other year at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, challenges student teams from around the world to produce a blade by hand hammering or trip hammer forging. In alternate years, the Bladesmithing Symposium allows students to present their current work on bladesmithing topics.

This symposium gives students a chance to discuss bladesmithing processes and procedures, to report their findings from previous experience, and to learn from fellow competitors. You can present work associated with or inspired by previous TMS Bladesmithing Competitions or discuss new entries. Submissions from students, student teams, and professionals with bladesmithing experience are welcome.

While presenters are not permitted to bring actual blades to the conference, safe metallurgical samples are allowed and encouraged. To participate, please submit the title of your presentation and a brief abstract (150 words or less describing historical background, blade material, processing steps, characterization performed, etc.). The abstract submitter can enter the names of co-authors and their affiliations when completing the abstract form. Please be sure to designate the presenter if someone other than the submitter.

Abstracts Due 10/31/2024
Proceedings Plan Definite: None Selected

Comparison of Small-scale Wootz Steel Production Methods
Forging High Entropy Alloys
Hammering Together a Bladesmithing Team from Basics
It’s Time for the Bladesmithing Family Feud!
Making a Modernized Khanda
Material Characterization and Analysis of a Seax Blade
Nickel-Plated Bronze Sword for Enhanced Durability and Corrosion Resistance
UMN MA Eire Sword
UTEP American Foundry Society TMS Bladesmithing

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