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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Ceramic Materials for Nuclear Energy Research and Applications
Presentation Title Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nanoprecipitates in Spent Nuclear Fuel
Author(s) Lingfeng He, Mukesh Bachhav, Chao Jiang
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Lingfeng He
Abstract Scope Spent nuclear fuel undergoes significant microstructural and chemical evolution during reactor operations. Some fission products are retained within the UO2 matrix in solid solution, while the inert gases, xenon, krypton, and the 4d group metals, molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium are trapped as bubbles and metallic precipitates, respectively in the UO2 matrix. In this work, atomic resolution microstructure and chemical composition of nanoprecipitates in spent UO2 fuel from Belgian Reactor 3 are characterized using high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, Super-X energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and atom probe tomography techniques. Density-functional theory is utilized to understand the formation mechanism of nanoprecipitates and their phase relationships with UO2 matrix. Molecular dynamics simulation is used to calculate the fission gas bubble pressure.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Nuclear Materials, Modeling and Simulation


Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nanoprecipitates in Spent Nuclear Fuel
Atomic Scale Simulation of Amorphous Intergranular Films in Nuclear Fuel Materials
Atomistic-scale Simulations used to Simulate Creep in Oxide Fuel
Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Fission Gas and Fission Products Diffusivity in TRISO Fuel Kernels
Atomistic Investigation of Radiation-induced Defects in ThO2
Cluster Dynamics Modeling of Defects and Fission Gas in Gd Doped UO2 under Irradiation
Comprehensive Characterization of Damage in Ion Irradiated Ceramics for Validation of Atomistic Models
Defect Chemistry and Radiation Stability of (Gd & Zr) Co-doped UO2
Development of UC/UO2 Composite Fuels for Light Water Reactors
Diffusion Properties in Uranium-plutonium Mixed Oxides: Atomic Scale Investigation of the Effect of Composition and Chemical Disorder
Emulation of Microstructures and Tritium Behavior in Lithium Aluminate by Ion Irradiation
Exploring Irradiation-induced Phase Evolution in WC
Hidden Defect Evolution Mechanism in ThO2 Revealed by Atomistic Modeling
High-entropy Carbide Ceramics: New Materials for Extreme Environments in Nuclear Energy Applications
Impact of Resonance Scattering on the Thermal Conductivity of ThO2
Improving Uranium Mononitride Behaviour using Uranium Diboride Addition
Irradiation- and Dopant-induced Structural Changes in Ceramic Nuclear Fuels Probed via Elastic and Optical Properties
Low-temperature Fabrication of Ceramic Tritium Breeder Materials, for Enhanced Control of Microstructure and Phase Formation
Microstructural Characterization of Neutron Irradiated Concrete Minerals
Microstructural, Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of High Entropy Carbide Ceramics
Modelling the Melting Temperature of CrUO4 to Assess its Behaviour during the Sintering of Cr-doped UO2
Multiphysics Modeling of High Burnup UO2 at Mesoscale
Multiscale Modeling for High-burnup Structure Formation in UO2
O-1: Uranium Silicide Processing for Advanced Reactors
O-31: Radiation Damage in Lithium Oxide, a Surrogate for Beryllium Carbide
Oxidation Behavior and Mechanisms of the SiC Coating in TRISO Fuel Particles
Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics of Tri-carbide Fuels for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
Predicting Mechanical Behavior of Uranium Oxide Fuel Pellets Using Full-field Defect Diffusion Modeling in a Crystal Plasticity Framework
Quantifying the Impact of Fast Interface Diffusion and Free Surface Evolution on Fission Gas Release in UO2 Using a Phase-field Model
Radiation Shielding Ceramics with Enhanced Performance and Scalability
Radiation Studies on the TiZrNbHfTa High Entropy Alloy and Its Hydrides
Relating Microstructural Evolution and Stoichiometry to Tritium Release from Ternary Lithium Ceramics
Revealing The Microstructure and Irradiation Effects on UO2 Fracture via Coupled Phase-field and MD Simulations Approach
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanoprecipitates in Spent UO2 Nuclear Fuel
Silica Formation on SiC Following Steam Attack
Simulation of Irradiation-induced Bubble Over-pressurization and Application in Fuel Performance
Soft X-ray Synchrotron Radiation Spectromicroscopy of Spent Nuclear Fuel Focused Ion Beam Sections
Surface Modification Strategies for Hydrogen Retention in Hydride Moderators
Susceptibility of Nuclear Fuel Ceramics to Oxidation and Hydridization during Off Normal Events
Thermomechanical Characterization of Advanced Reactor Alloys and Composites Exposed to High-temperature Gas Environments
Zirconia-coated Uranic Fuel Particles Processing and In Situ Sintering Characterisation

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