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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Decarbonization and Sustainability in Aluminum Primary Processing: Joint Session of Aluminum Reduction and REWAS 2025
Presentation Title Separation and recovery of fluoride, carbon, alkali metal oxides and refractories with vacuum distillation process from aluminum electrolytic cell spent pot lining
Author(s) Naixiang Feng, Yuezhong Di, Yaowu Wang, Jianping Peng, Wenxiong Dong, Buju Guo, Jianbin Huang, Zhibiao Hu
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Wenxiong Dong
Abstract Scope A large amount of spent pot lining (SPL) is produced after aluminum electrolytic cell failure. SPL is considered to be a hazardous material because it contains significant concentrations of toxic and soluble cyanides and fluorides. A process of vacuum distillation for separation and recovery of SPL was studied. An industrial-grade vacuum resistance furnace with a processing capacity of six tons and a collection device for collecting distillation products was built. The fluoride electrolyte, carbon, alkali metal and refractories in the spent pot lining were separated and recovered after treated by the furnace which using the spent cathode carbon block crumbs as heater. Subsequently, aluminum fluoride, lithium carbonate and potassium sulfate were produced by further processing of distilled fluoride.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Light Metals
Keywords Aluminum, Sustainability, Process Technology


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Separation and recovery of fluoride, carbon, alkali metal oxides and refractories with vacuum distillation process from aluminum electrolytic cell spent pot lining

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