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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium
Presentation Title Glass-ceramics as Potential Waste Forms for Actinide Immobilization
Author(s) Yingjie Zhang, Tao Wei, Zhaoming Zhang, Linggen Kong, Pranesh Dayal, Daniel J Gregg
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yingjie Zhang
Abstract Scope Actinide-bearing waste streams present a unique set of challenges for their immobilization and long-term disposal. They can range from pure to very impure forms, have long half-lives and can contain fissile material (e.g., Pu-239), thus requiring criticality control and safeguards measures. In this regard, glass-ceramics have been developed as potential waste forms for the immobilization of such actinide-rich radioactive wastes arising from the nuclear fuel cycle. They combine the advantages of conventional borosilicate glasses and their chemical and processing flexibilities such that they can accommodate processing chemicals which may not be incorporated in the ceramic phases, with the superb chemical durability of ceramic phases to host actinides. Recent advances have been made including new glass-ceramic systems, simplified processing techniques and actinide validations using plutonium. This invited talk is intended to provide an overview on some fundamental research activities at ANSTO focusing on the latest development of various glass-ceramic systems.


Advances in Polymer-assisted Sol-gel Synthesis of Aluminosilicate Precursors for Modern Cementitious Materials
Direct-Writing of 3D Photonic Crystals with Tunable Terahertz Properties
Effect of CaF2, B2O3 and the CaO/SiO2 Mass Ratio on the Viscosity and Structure of B2O3–Containing Calcium–silicate–based Melts
Glass-ceramics as Potential Waste Forms for Actinide Immobilization
Improvements of Fergusonite-type Microwave Dielectric Ceramics by Ions Substitutions
Introductory Comments: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium
Phase Formation and Mechanical Properties of (Mg,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn)O High Entropy Ceramics by Field Assisted Sintering Technology
Substitutional Effect of Na2O with K2O on the Viscosity and Structure of CaO-SiO2-CaF2-based Mold Flux Systems
Thermochemical Investigation of Lithium Borate Glasses and Crystals

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