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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Accelerated Materials Evaluation for Nuclear Applications Utilizing Irradiation and Integrated Modeling
Presentation Title H-8: Mechanical Properties of Ion Irradiated and Helium Implanted HT9 Micropillars
Author(s) Ryan Michael Schoell, Ce Zheng, Khalid Hattar, Djamel Kaoumi
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ryan Michael Schoell
Abstract Scope Micropillars of F/M steel HT9 were processed using Focused Ion Beam (FIB). The pillars were subject to 1.7 MeV Au3+ and/or implanted with 10 keV He+ at 470 °C in-situ in a TEM. After the in-situ irradiation, the pillars were then subject to compression tests at a displacement rate of 5 × 10-4 s-1 at room temperature using a pico-indenter in-situ in a TEM. Snapshots, video and stress-strain curve were recorded for each tested pillar. The changes in the microstructure were tracked during irradiation and during compression in-situ in the TEM to understand the radiation hardening due to radiation damage and the impact of the He bubbles in HT9.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


A Comparative Study of Two Nanoindentation Approaches for Assessing Mechanical Properties of Ion-irradiated Stainless Steel 316
A Comparison of Ring Pull and Axial Tensile Tests of HT-9 and 14YWT Thin-walled Tubes
A Virtual Experiment Approach to Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
Alpha Self-Irradiation of Archive and Irradiated Fast Reactor Fuels
Changes in the Starting Microstructures of U-Mo Fuels due to the Effects of Neutron Irradiation
Comparison of Radial Microstructural Changes in Fast Reactor MOX Fuels Across Varying Burnup Profiles
Controlling Helium Morphology in Pure Metals: Toward Uniform Samples for the Accelerated Measurement of Bulk Irradiated Properties
Defect Evolution and Radiation Resistance of Advanced Fusion Materials Under Heavy Ion and Low Energy Helium Irradiation
Development of Advanced Low N-12Cr (wt.%) Ferritic/Martensitic Steel for Reactor Applications
Diffusion Analysis of Metallic Fission Products in Tristructural-isotropic Coated Fuel Using Representative Diffusion Couples
Diffusion of Fission Products in Virgin Nuclear Graphite
Direct Measurement of Radiation Damage Through the Energy Stored in Defects: Simulations and Experiments
Effective Defect Sinks in Metallic Composite with Nanodispersoids: In situ Ion Radiation Transmission Electron Microscopy and Position Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
Fabrication and Characterization of Massive Crack-free Delta Phase-zirconium Hydride for High-performance Moderator Application
Fabrication and Charaterization of High Burnup Nuclear Fuel Surrogate for the Anlysis of Fuel Fragmentation Phenomenon
H-1 (Invited): Modeling the Uranium-Silicon Phase Equilibria
H-10: Radiation Response of HT9 Ferritic/Martensitic Alloys as a Function of Interstitial Content
H-2: Characterization of Helium Implanted Single Crystal Titanium
H-3: Femtosecond Laser Machining of Micro-Scale Structures
H-5: Effects of Helium Ion Irradiation on Single Crystal Vanadium
H-8: Mechanical Properties of Ion Irradiated and Helium Implanted HT9 Micropillars
H-9: Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Directed Energy Deposition Laser Additively Manufactured T-91
High-Throughput Synthesis and Ion Irradiation of High-Entropy Alloys using Additive Manufacturing
Impact of Ionization Effects and Defect Trapping on Microstructure Evolution in Light Ion Irradiated Uranium Dioxide
In-situ Heavy Ion Irradiation of FCC and BCC High-entropy Alloys at Cryogenic and High Temperatures
In-situ Neutron Characterization of Advanced Nuclear Fuels - The Road to a New Neutron Irradiation Testing Capability
In-situ Observation of Radiation-induced Phase Transformation in U-Mo
In-situ Studies on the Mechanical Properties of He Ion Irradiated Nanotwinned Ag
Irradiation Behavior of Mechanically Processed Zr-Nb Multilayers at Very High Doses
Kinetic Study on the Evolution of Nano-ceramic Coatings Under Heavy Ions Irradiation
Mechanical Characterization of Three Neutron Irradiated HT-9 Heats (ORNL, LANL and EBR II) at LWR and Fast Reactor Relevant Temperatures
Microstructural and Micro-chemical Characterization of Safety Tested TRISO UCO Fuel Kernels Irradiated in the Advanced Test Reactor
Microstructural Changes and Corrosion of Proton-pre-irradiated Hastelloy N in FLiNaK Molten Salt
Microstructure of HT-9 Cladding After fuel-cladding Chemical Interaction with an Annular U-10Zr Fuel Irradiated to 3.3% FIMA
Multiple Scale Mechanical Testing of Neutron Irradiated FeCrAl Alloys
Neutron Irradiation Damage and Fission Product Transport in the SiC Layer of TRISO Fuel Particles
On a Theory Based Accelerated Testing Methodology for Swelling
On the Role of Heterogeneity in Concentrated Solid‒solution Alloys in Enhancing their Irradiation Resistance
Rapid Investigation of Irradiation Temperature Sensitivity Using Charged Particles
Recent Applications of Ex-situ Transient Grating Spectroscopy to the Study of Radiation-induced Degradation of Nuclear Materials
Small Scale Mechanical Testing of Ceramic Interfaces in Nuclear Materials: Characterizing the Impact of Elastic Mismatch on Stress Intensity and Property Extraction
Synthesis of Intermetallic UZr2+x and Its Phase Transformation
Temperature Shift Evaluation for G-phase Clustering in Ferritic-martensitic Alloys
Testing of Nuclear Fuels and Materials in the Advanced Fuels Campaign
Three-dimensional Analysis of the IPyC/SiC Interface in Irradiated TRISO Fuel Particles

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