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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing Keynote Session
Presentation Title TMS Young Innovator in the Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award: Innovation in Additive Manufacturing: A Perspective on an Early Career in Metal Alloy Development
Author(s) Douglas C. Hofmann
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Douglas C. Hofmann
Abstract Scope The past decade has seen rapid and widespread adoption of additive manufacturing technology at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology. This talk focuses on the establishment of AM capabilities at JPL and subsequent infusion opportunities in spacecraft, with particular emphasis on alloy development, prototyping, testing, and processing and property relationships. AM is an attractive capability for infusion into spacecraft, especially for complex part designs, multifunctional materials, extreme environment materials, hardware with reduced cost and schedule, and low mass structural parts. JPL now has a large team of scientists, engineers and technologists working in AM with a subset working in alloy development. Some of the AM research topics that will be covered in this talk include functionally graded metals, bulk metallic glasses, metal-matrix composites, self-hammering excavating tools, graded dielectric antennas, and multi-functional materials.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


Microstructural Control for Additive Manufacturing—An Advanced Microscopy Approach
Roles of Thermal Cycles in The Microstructure and Property Controls in Low-alloy High Strength Steels
Texture and Anisotropy in Metals Additive Manufacturing
TMS Young Innovator in the Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award: Innovation in Additive Manufacturing: A Perspective on an Early Career in Metal Alloy Development

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