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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Metallic Materials
Presentation Title Hafnium-Based Refractory High Entropy Alloy Structures Produced Via Additive Manufacturing for Extreme Temperature Applications
Author(s) Thomas A. Berfield, Justin Gillham, Suyash Niraula, Brendon Dodge
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Thomas A. Berfield
Abstract Scope This work presents the alloy composition screening and powder atomization of hafnium-based refractory high entropy alloys. Several atomic ratio variations of HfNbTaZr alloys were experimentally produced in additive manufacturing-compatible powder form through an ultrasonic plasma atomization process. Select cuts (< 45 microns average diameter) of the produced powders were used for deposition via laser powder bed fusion, while larger particulate powder sizes (>100 microns) were used for directed energy deposition processes. Samples produced via each additive manufacturing (AM) process were tested for room temperature ductility performance and microstructure features were characterized through electron microscopy. Finally, residual stress measurement tests were carried out to evaluate viability of both AM processes for translation to large-scale structure formation.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, High-Entropy Alloys, Powder Materials


A Comparison of Niobium Alloys C103 and Nb521
A New Angle to View the Battle with Oxygen in Molybdenum (Mo) Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
Additive Manufacturing and High-Temperature Mechanical Behavior of High-Performance Refractory Alloys
Additive Manufacturing Informed Tantalum Alloy Development
Alloy Design and Microstructure-Property Relationships for Non-Equiatomic Ti-Zr-Nb-Ta-V-Cr Alloys with Tensile Ductility Made By Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Atomistic and Phase Field Simulations of Rapid Solidification Towards Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Computational Design of Graded Refractory Metal Structures
Dense and Crack-Free Pure Tungsten Manufactured by Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Using Chemically Reduced Powder
Design and Development of a Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloy for Additive Manufacturing of Advancing Space Propulsion Components
Direct Energy Deposition of Tungsten by High Repetition High Power Femtosecond Laser
Directed Energy Deposition of Vanadium for Interlayers in Laser Welding
Elevated Temperature Mechanical Performance of Historical Niobium Alloys
Elevated Temperature Testing of LP – DED C103 Thin Wall Structures
Enhanced Development of Tungsten Alloy Plasma Facing Materials
Exploring Fabrication Pathways, Phase Evolution and Structure-Property Relationships in High Temperature Functionally Graded Material
G-86: High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed Nb-Based C103 Alloy
G-87: Laser Assisted Additive Manufacturing of W and W-Re for Fusion Power Application: Material Response in Manufacturing Environment
Hafnium-Based Refractory High Entropy Alloy Structures Produced Via Additive Manufacturing for Extreme Temperature Applications
High-Throughput Refractory Alloy Design for Additive Manufacturing
Hot-fire Testing of C103 Nozzle Extensions
Impact of Ceramic Nanoparticle Additions on the Properties of Additive Manufactured Refractory Metals
Impact of Multi-Scale Microstructural Heterogeneities on the Mechanical Behavior of Additively Manufactured and Post-Processed Nb-Based C103 Alloy
Impact of Stochastic Scanning Strategies in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion of Tungsten Alloys
Joining Niobium Refractory Alloy with Titanium Alloy in Direct Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing Process
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of C103 and Refractory-Based Alloys - Material Development Using Ultrasonic Atomization
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured W-Ta Alloys
Microstructural Evolution in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed W and W-Re
Process-Structure-Property Relationships of Additively Manufactured Refractory Metals
Prototype Elements Manufactured from Molybdenum and Tungsten Modified with Rhenium Using LPBF Technology
Reactive Synthesis in Additive Manufacturing of an Ultrahigh-Temperature Mo-Si-B-Ti Alloy
Solid State Additive Manufacturing of Refractory Alloys Using Cold Spray Technology
Thermo-Mechanical Testing Approach of Additive Manufactured Ultra-High Temperature Refractory Alloys
Thermomechanical Model Based Approach to Mitigate Crack Susceptibility in Additive Manufactured Refractory Material.
Uncovering the Ultra-High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms of Novel Refractory Alloys
Understanding the Elevated Temperature Properties of Niobium-Based Alloys Relevant to Aerospace Applications
WC-Based Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by Laser Powder Directed Energy Deposition

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