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Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Physics-Based Machine Learning Models
Presentation Title Phase-Field Modeling of Grain Evolution and Recrystallization in Friction Stir Processing
Author(s) Zhengtao Gan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Zhengtao Gan
Abstract Scope We developed a three-dimensional (3D) phase-field model to simulate the mesoscopic grain evolution during extreme grain deformation and recrystallization in friction stir processing (FSP). A critical feature of FSP is that the velocity field introduced by the rotating tool deforms the crystalline grains in the material. Our model captures this dynamic process through introducing the advection equation. Another feature of FSP is the nucleation and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) due to large grain deformation. These phenomena are simulated in our model, where the evolution of dislocation density is modeled by the Laasraoui-Jonas (LJ) model, nucleation is determined by the magnitude of the dislocation energy and DRX grain growth is involved in the phase-field framework. The solver is implemented on the Google JAX platform for GPU computing for enhancing the computational capacity. The model has been validated against experimental data based on the ratio of initial to final grain sizes.


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