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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing Keynote Session
Presentation Title Reinventing Industrial Workhorse Alloys through Additive Manufacturing with Break Through Performance
Author(s) Youping Gao
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Youping Gao
Abstract Scope Contrast to traditional bulk metal manufacturing process, Laser Powder Bed Fusion AM is different in many ways, although, principally, it follows welding processes, which means epitaxial grain growth bypassing nucleation followed by competitive grain growth and elimination, but the boundary conditions of LPBF-AM are hugely different from a typical welding which created this micro scale grain optimization. As result, LPBF-AM can produce very unique and superior materials properties by introducing strengthening mechanisms without altering the alloy compositions that do not exist in the bulk metal manufacturing process. Alloys in two different categories: nickel base superalloy and niobium base refractory alloy, are being investigated in this work. Each exhibited significant superior properties that their wrought equivalents couldn’t come close. For H230, a high Tungsten (14%) solid solutions strengthened alloy, in LPBF-AM was enhanced by Carbide Dispersion Strengthening (CDS) where stable, nano particles of WC were dispersively produced.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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Reinventing Industrial Workhorse Alloys through Additive Manufacturing with Break Through Performance
TMS Young Innovator in the Materials Science of Additive Manufacturing Award: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Additive Manufacturing: Microstructure Control and Material Innovation

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