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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Alloy Design to Develop New Feedstock Materials
Presentation Title Microstructure and Property Variability in DED Inconel 718 as a Function of Build Rate
Author(s) Bernard Gaskey, Ekta Jain, Yong Chen Yeoh, Guido Macchi, Antonio Mattia Grande, Matteo Seita
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Matteo Seita
Abstract Scope Directed energy deposition (DED) is a candidate additive manufacturing technique for high volume production of metallic parts. The complex nature of thermal and material transport during DED, however, can yield significant microstructure heterogeneity and large property scatter which are difficult to eliminate using standard heat treatments. In this work, we investigate how the build rate impacts solute distribution and, consequently, the mechanical properties of Inconel 718. At high deposition rates, we measure differences in yield strength and hardness within the same build up to 15% and 10%, respectively. We interpret these differences in terms of the material cooling rate, which decreases along the build direction. Based on our results, we discuss possible strategies for microstructure and property homogenization of DED Inconel 718 without compromising on build rate.


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