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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Expanding the Boundaries of Materials Science: Unconventional Collaborations
Organizer(s) Sourabh Bhagwan Kadambi, Idaho National Laboratory
Alex Hsain, North Carolina State University
Brady G. Dowdell, North Carolina State University
Benjamin Anthony, University of Florida
Scope As the demands on modern materials continue to intensify, the field of materials science must advance beyond its traditional capabilities and limitations. One way researchers are working toward this is by re-visiting classical problems in materials science from a new perspective through the lens of interdisciplinary collaboration. Talks will feature examples of how significant materials advancement has resulted from collaboration with physicists, statisticians, computer scientists, chemists, and other disciplines. Speakers will include academic researchers who have successfully contributed to interdisciplinary research which has led to new routes for materials characterization and data processing, thereby expanding the boundaries of how we do research today. It will showcase successful advancements made through effective integration between modeling, computing and experimental groups, allowing development of high-throughput methods to accelerate materials discovery and development. A panel presentation featuring collaborative researchers will elucidate best practices on effective communication and strategies for making the most out of interdisciplinary research collaborations.

Solicited topics include:

Unconventional and cross-disciplinary research from fields including but not limited to data science, informatics, genomics, cognitive science, public health, statistics, environmental engineering, geology, planetary science
Scope and potential impact of interdisciplinary collaborations towards advancing materials discovery, development, and deployment
Analytical techniques and methods from other disciplines and potential ways they can be applied to aspects of materials science
Effective strategies for overcoming challenges in communication between professionals from disparate fields

Abstracts Due 07/15/2019
Proceedings Plan Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume

Accelerating Materials Design Through Community, Open Data and Collaboration
Additive Manufacturing for Novel Thermal Devices
Convergence: Supporting Multidisciplinary Research at the National Science Foundation
Creating the Next-Generation Materials Genome Initiative Workforce
Innovation in Materials Research Collaborations: DOE Basic Energy Sciences
Integrating Experiment, Data, and Computations to Accelerate the Design of Materials
Machine Learning for Materials Design and Discovery
Mechanical Properties of Molecular Crystals--Connecting with Chemistry
Regularization of Materials Failure Data for Damage Mechanism Categorization by Machine Learning

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