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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Expanding the Boundaries of Materials Science: Unconventional Collaborations
Presentation Title Mechanical Properties of Molecular Crystals--Connecting with Chemistry
Author(s) Ramamurty Upadrasta
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ramamurty Upadrasta
Abstract Scope Nanoindentation is a technique with which mechanical properties of materials, even when they are available only in small quantities, can be measured with high precision. As a result of this particular advantage, this technique can be utilized for inter-disciplinary research between chemists and materials engineers. Our recent work had demonstrated that the mechanical properties of single crystals of molecular solids can not only be measured, but also connected to the underlying structural features and intermolecular interactions. Further, we have demonstrated that the knowledge so gained can be utilized for identifying the design principles for organic materials with desired properties as well as for the study of the 'microstructure' in them. This talk will illustrate these through the presentation of a few representative examples of our studies.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


Accelerating Materials Design Through Community, Open Data and Collaboration
Additive Manufacturing for Novel Thermal Devices
Convergence: Supporting Multidisciplinary Research at the National Science Foundation
Creating the Next-Generation Materials Genome Initiative Workforce
Innovation in Materials Research Collaborations: DOE Basic Energy Sciences
Integrating Experiment, Data, and Computations to Accelerate the Design of Materials
Machine Learning for Materials Design and Discovery
Mechanical Properties of Molecular Crystals--Connecting with Chemistry
Regularization of Materials Failure Data for Damage Mechanism Categorization by Machine Learning

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