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About this Symposium
Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Art and Cultural Heritage: Discoveries and Education
Sponsorship ACerS Art, Archaeology, and Conservation Science Division
Organizer(s) Glenn Alan Gates, Walters Art Museum
Marie D. Jackson, University of Utah
Scope This symposium will highlight both the latest studies involved with the reverse engineering of cultural heritage and significant discoveries in the scientific study of cultural heritage. This two day symposium will feature the newest findings surrounding the technology, engineering and materials science associated with art, archaeology and cultural heritage, including pigments, ceramics, building and architectural materials, glass, and metals. Also, submissions that explore innovative approaches to training and learning at the intersection of engineering, science, technology and cultural heritage are most welcome. All submissions that pertain to the scientific study of cultural heritage, or advance its understanding and preservation, will be considered.
Abstracts Due 05/31/2020

ACerS-AACS Shepard Award: Small Steps, Occasional Leaps, Significant Backslides: Ceramic Compositional Analysis in an Americanist Archaeological Perspective
Adsorption on Kaolinite Surfaces: A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Approach to Quantifying Interactions Between a Clay Mineral and Small Molecules
An Unusual Green Pigment in a Korean Temple Banner
Cementitious Systems in Roman Reactive Glass Marine Concretes
Compositional and Structural Analysis of Early Chinese Currencies
Introductory Comments: Art and Cultural Heritage
Naturally Altered Glass: Methods and Challenges of Modeling Long-term Glass Alteration Environments

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