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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Art and Cultural Heritage: Discoveries and Education
Presentation Title ACerS-AACS Shepard Award: Small Steps, Occasional Leaps, Significant Backslides: Ceramic Compositional Analysis in an Americanist Archaeological Perspective
Author(s) Ronald L. Bishop
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ronald L. Bishop
Abstract Scope Archaeology is exploratory discipline in which contributions by the physical and chemical sciences have provided data that allows inferences to be made regarding the stability, change, and circulation of ceramic materials, leading to new understandings of past societal interactions. This presentation highlights developmental stages in the use of compositional analysis. I explore the role of Anna O. Shepard as a leading voice calling for the acquisition of petrographic data and how that data should be used. In particular, I underscore her importance in my ongoing research at the Maya site of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico. Beyond Shepard, I consider the contributions of neutron activation analysis, an investigatory tool the emerged of importance second only to that of radiocarbon dating. Shepard’s approach, neutron activation, and advances in data mining techniques informed by geochemical understanding are illustrated in the exploration of ceramic development in the volcanic landscape of prehistoric Nicaragua. I conclude with an idiosyncratic perspective on the development of ceramic compositional analysis and what I see as hindrances to that development.


ACerS-AACS Shepard Award: Small Steps, Occasional Leaps, Significant Backslides: Ceramic Compositional Analysis in an Americanist Archaeological Perspective
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