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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Materials for Harsh Environments
Presentation Title Virtual Characterization Tools for Understanding Material Response in Harsh Conditions
Author(s) Avanish Mishra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Avanish Mishra
Abstract Scope Microstructural characterization during deformation is vital for the understanding of material response and quantifying aging effects on strength. Traditional post-mortem techniques, while valuable, are limited in their ability to unravel complex mechanistic histories. Advanced real-time, non-destructive techniques like Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging (BCDI) can offer insights beyond these limitations, but they are often limited by uncertainties in the phase angle and the inversion process. To address these issues, atomistic simulations have been used to supply bounds on the missing information, where they are relatively inexpensive, statistically robust, and capable of mirroring experimental timescales. However, the lack of complementary characterization tools often limits the direct corroboration of modeling and experimental observations. This presentation explores the development and application of virtual characterization tools for materials subjected to harsh conditions. The focus will be on the observed correlation and the ability to fingerprint diffraction patterns of dynamically deformed materials. Additionally, the presentation will explain the enhancement of data extraction from advanced X-ray sources in near- and mid-field regimes. Lastly, the development of a novel virtual texture analysis tool, "VirTex," will be discussed, demonstrating its ability to decode phase transformation and twinning mechanisms in polycrystalline microstructures.


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Effect of Laser Surface Treatment on the Corrosion and Fatigue Performance of AA5456-H116 Alloys
J-3: Material Properties of High-strength High Chromium TWIP Steels with Increased Corrosion Resistance
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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Molded Martian and Lunar Regolith Compressed Pellet Samples
Performance of High Z and High-density Multifunctional Materials in Harsh Environments
Smart Phase Transforming Metal Ceramic Multilayers
Understanding SCC Resistance and Failure in AF96 Welded Joints
Virtual Characterization Tools for Understanding Material Response in Harsh Conditions

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