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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Simulations/Experiments Integration for Next Generation Hypersonic Materials
Presentation Title Metal Di-boride (MB2 | M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta) Properties Above 3000 ˚C
Author(s) Elizabeth Sobalvarro, Fox Thorpe, Jesus Rivera, Harry Charalambous, Gabriella King, James Cahill, Wyatt Du Frane, Joshua Kuntz, Scott J. Mccormack
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Scott J. Mccormack
Abstract Scope Metal diborides (MB2 | M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta) are considered ultra-high temperature refractory ceramics due to their relatively low reactivity and high melting point. This work discusses high-temperature levitation methods using a conical nozzle levitator system equipped with lasers to investigate the melting points and thermal expansion of the metal di-borides. The melting point will be investigated using cooling trace experiments in conjunction with a 400W CO2 laser and a 500W Yb laser to melt the metal di-borides. The thermal expansion will be investigated by coupling the levitation system with X-ray diffraction at Argonne National Laboratories Advanced Photon Source. High-temperature X-ray diffraction data were used to calculate anisotropic coefficients of thermal expansion. The coefficients were compared amongst the five diborides (MB2 | M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta). It was found that the anisotropy could be related to the atomic displacement parameters of the metal cations.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords High-Temperature Materials,


CALPHAD-based Thermal Conductivity Modeling Appended with Porosity Effects for Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics Suitable for Hypersonic Applications
Correlative Multiscale 3D Investigation of Damage in Angle-interlocked Ceramic Matrix Composites
Design and Rapid Solidification Analysis of Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys
First-principles Calculations of Diffusion Coefficients in High-temperature Carbides
Foundational Molecular Dynamic Models and Experiments of SiC Oxidation for Materials Development in Extreme Environments
High-temperature Oxygen Plasma Experiments and Atomistic Simulations of Active Oxidation in Nanocrystalline SiC Woven Fibers
Mechanical and Structural Characterization of Ultra-fast Boriding Process on Refractory Metals
Mesoscale Thermomechanical Modeling of Woven Carbon Composites
Metal Di-boride (MB2 | M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta) Properties Above 3000 ˚C
Rapid Computational Design and Experimental Validation of Ductile High Entropy Alloys for Extreme Environments
Size Effect at High Temperature in Additive Metals

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