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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium BSD/PCSA: Humanitarian Engineering Symposium
Presentation Title Harder, Better, Faster, Greener Building Materials by Cold Sintering Process
Author(s) Sun Hwi Bang, Arnaud Ndayishimiye, Esther Obonyo, Clive A Randall
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Sun Hwi Bang
Abstract Scope Among the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, finding affordable but less anthropogenic CO2 emission building materials is a core determinant to implement sustainable cities and communities. However, the current brick manufacturing process of both cement and clay has been energy-intensive, requiring high temperature and producing CO2. Although sintering has been a material processing technique that takes thermal energy and often pressure to densify a powder compact at above 1000C, the recent study of cold sintering process features significant energy and cost reduction of ceramic fabrication and co-processing of polymer/ceramic composites. Here, cold sintering is applied to develop sustainable building bricks without firing at high temperatures. Studying raw Ca2SiO4 rock samples from Wajir, Kenya as a proof of concept, making a brick using locally-accessible materials contains high feasibility and impact. This work demonstrates the current fundamental understanding of the process, transition from lab-scale to human-scale and sustainable composite brick designs.


Harder, Better, Faster, Greener Building Materials by Cold Sintering Process
SciBridge Project: Preparing the Next-generation of Scientists through Renewable Energy Kits
Service Learning and Ceramic Material Research on Point-of-Use Water Treatment Technologies for Use in Marginalized Communities

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