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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Leveraging Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for High-fidelity Physics-based and Machine Learning Models
Presentation Title Simulating Macroscale Microstructures Using Advanced Programming and Numerical Methods
Author(s) Evan J. Lieberman, Caleb O. Yenusah, Adrian Diaz, Ricardo A. Lebensohn, Nathaniel R. Morgan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Evan J. Lieberman
Abstract Scope We present advanced programming techniques and numerical methods that are applied to solid dynamics simulations to allow for efficient and accurate modeling of mesoscale mechanics on large scales. For the general simulation framework, we use the open-source Fierro mechanics code, in particular the Lagrangian mass-lumped continuous Galerkin hydrodynamic (CGH) method. Fierro is an advanced computational mechanics code that uses the C++ Matrix and Array (MATAR) library for productivity, performance, and portability across computer architectures. The mesoscale mechanics are modeled using an elasto-viscoplastic single crystal plasticity model. The computational scaling and efficiency are demonstrated through single crystal and large-scale polycrystal simulations of the Taylor anvil test. We will also show how advanced numerical methods, such as high-order finite element methods or a coupled Green’s function-based fast Fourier transform method, can be used to bridge the mesoscale and macroscale within a simulation.


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Simulating Macroscale Microstructures Using Advanced Programming and Numerical Methods

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