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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Late News Poster Session
Presentation Title A Novel Prototype of Bioactive Ceramic Scaffold for Bone Regeneration
Author(s) Yrina Viatela, Erika Lopez, Miguel Prado, Vanesa Biolatti, Carolina Bagnato
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Yrina Viatela
Abstract Scope In this work we present a new type of scaffold obtained by solid state reaction and simultaneous sintering of a mixture of precursor oxides, carbonates and organic substances, the latter used for pore generation. Even having a variable local composition measured through energy dispersion spectroscopy, exhibits excellent overall physicochemical and bioactivity response. Open porosity is about 50-60% characterized by the ASTM C830-00 standard and, interconnectivity of the pores was evaluated through permeability measurements, it’s about 10-11 m2. X-ray diffraction exhibits the presence of a sodium-calcium silicate and a sodium-calcium phosphate crystalline phases. Additionally, by mechanical compression tests the range of failure stress obtained for the scaffolds was 0.3-1.1 MPa. The results from cell culture tests clearly indicate that during hydroxyapatite layer formation, scaffolds do not liberate any cytotoxic substances. Moreover, cells seeded in the hydroxyapatite covered scaffolds grew better than the control.


A Novel Prototype of Bioactive Ceramic Scaffold for Bone Regeneration
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