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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Materials and Chemistry for Molten Salt Systems
Presentation Title Investigating Test Parameters for Isothermal Salt Compatibility Experiments
Author(s) Cory Parker, Dino Sulejmanovic, James Kurley, Stephen Raiman, Bruce Pint
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Cory Parker
Abstract Scope Isothermal capsule testing is a cheap and quick way to investigate corrosion behavior of structural alloys in molten salt and an important screening test before flowing experiments. Eliminating experimental variables in these tests is difficult, however, due to the complexity of the systems involved. Capsule tests of Fe-16Cr-20Ni and Ni-16Cr alloys exposed in Cl salts in Mo and quartz capsules at 700°C for 500h, showing that direct contact between the Fe samples and Mo capsules resulted in increased specific mass loss compared to Fe samples exposed in quartz capsules. Similar capsule tests were done for FLiNaK and FLiBe salts, comparing corrosion behavior of type 316H stainless steel in 316 stainless steel capsules and Mo capsules at 550 and 650°C. This work explores the connection between corrosion rates and salt purity, temperature, alloy composition and capsule material.
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A High-temperature Thermodynamic Reference Electrode Enclosed in an Alumina Tube
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Actinide Molten Chloride Salts
Alloy Compatibility in Flowing Cl and F Salts
An Update on the Round Robin for Molten Salt Chemical and Thermal Properties Characterization
Analysis of Particulate Properties of Commercial FLiNaK in a 316 Stainless Steel System.
Assessment and Qualification of Austenitic Stainless Steel for Use in Molten Salts
Chemical Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Molten Salt Systems
Chemical Interaction Between Molten Flibe and Nitrate Solar Salt
Complex Structure of Molten NaCl-CrCl2 and NaCl-CrCl3: Cr-Cl Octahedra Network and Intermediate-range Order
Corrosion and Mass Transfer of 316H Stainless Steel in Flowing FliNaK Salt
Corrosion Behavior of SS316, Hastelloy X, and Hastelloy N in FLiNaK
Corrosion Control of 316H Stainless Steel and Nickel-Based Alloys in Molten Chloride Salts
Corrosion of 316 Stainless Steel in Molten Chloride Salt Micro Convection Loop
Corrosion of Zircaloy-2 in Molten LiCl-xLi2O at 650 °C
Cost-effective, Reliable Containment of High-temperature Molten Chlorides for Heat Transfer and Thermal Energy Storage
Design of Molten Salt Static Corrosion Experiments to Predict Phenomena Relevant to Corrosion in Non-isothermal Nuclear Reactor Salt Loops
Development and Demonstration of a Novel Spectroelectrochemical Cell for Molten Salts
Development of an Electrochemical Phase Field Model for the Corrosion of Ni-Cr Alloys by Molten Fluoride Salts
Development of an In-situ Mechanical Test System for Molten Salts
Development of Higher Order Systems for the Molten Salt Thermodynamic Database and their Application
Effect of Impurities on Corrosion and Its Control in Molten FLiNaK
Electrochemistry and Corrosion Studies for Alloy Development for Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs)
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Characterization of Molten Salt Corrosion Damage in Pure Ni and Model Ni-20Cr Binary Alloy
Exploration of the Corrosion Morphologies of Ni-Cr Alloys in Molten Fluoride Salts with/without Radiation
Extracting Salt Properties from Visualization of Molten Salt Sessile Droplets
Fast and Accurate High-dimensional Neural Network Interatomic Potentials for Lithium-based Fluoride Salts
Fluoride Salt Purification Using Bifluoride Salt for Hydrogen Fluoride-generation
High-temperature, Air-compatible Molten Salts, and an Associated Corrosion-resistant Containment Strategy, for Cost-effective and Reliable Heat Transfer and Thermal Energy Storage
High-temperature, High-toughness, Corrosion-resistant Cermet Alloys (NiWC) for CSP Gen 3 Subsystem Component Design
High-throughput Electrochemical Characterization and Screening of CSP-relevant Alloys
High-throughput Electrochemical Methods Development to Accelerate Molten Salt Corrosion-resistant Alloy Design
Imaging Nanostructural Heterogeneities Induced by Molten Salt Corrosion in Ni-Cr Alloy
Influence of Corrosion Product Solubility and Dissimilar Materials on Corrosion of Alloys in Molten Salt Environment
Introductory Comments: Materials and Chemistry for Molten Salt Systems
Investigating Test Parameters for Isothermal Salt Compatibility Experiments
Liquid-vapor Equilibrium and Transport Phenomena in Molten Salt Systems
Materials Compatibility and Potential Stability of Reference Electrodes for Molten FLiBe
Mechanistic Understanding of 3D Morphological Evolution of Metals in Molten Salts by In Situ X-ray Nano-tomography
Microstructural Characterization of Grain Boundaries in Hastelloy N Corroded in Molten FLiBe Salt under Neutron Irradiation
Molten Salt Reactor: Fluoride/Chloride Salt Comparison
Optimization of the Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics for Rare-earth Fluoride Systems Relevant to Molten Salt Reactors
Oxidation Potential of Molten Halide Salts: A First Principles Study
Performance of Corrosion Resistant Claddings on 316H Stainless Steel in Molten Fluoride Salt
Purification of Molten NaCl-CaCl2 Using Anhydrous HCl
Redox Measurement and Control in Molten Chloride Fast Reactor Fuel Salt
Release Behavior of Tritium Generated inside FLiNaBe by Thermal Neutron
Relevance and Methods of Fluoroacidity Quantification
Research Paths on Spectroelectrochemistry for Molten Salt Chemistry in the U.S with Respect to Other Nations
Role of Alloy Chemistry in Governing Corrosion Rates of Candidate Materials for Molten Salt Reactors
Short- and Medium-range Structure of Molten Fluorides with Cr Solutes
Structural Health Impacts Due to Exposure of Irradiated Molten Chloride Salts
Testing Setup to Analyze Particulates in 316 Stainless Steel Molten Salt Systems
X-ray Absorption Studies Investigating Solute-solvent Interactions in Molten Salt Environments
Yellowjacket: A New MOOSE-based Corrosion Modelling Application for Molten Salt Reactors

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