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Meeting 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Fuels: Microstructure, Thermo-physical Properties
Presentation Title Advanced Characterization of Oxidation Behavior of TRISO Fuel SiC Coating
Author(s) Haiming Wen, Adam Bratten, Visharad Jalan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Haiming Wen
Abstract Scope While high-temperature gas reactors use helium as a coolant, in some accident scenarios significant amounts of air or water vapor can be introduced into the coolant and reactor core. It is important to understand the oxidation and degradation processes of TRISO particles (especially the SiC coating layer) under these conditions. In this study, surrogate TRISO particles were subjected to oxidation in oxygen or water vapor containing environments, using thermogravimetric analysis – differential scanning calorimetry, custom-built tube furnace setup, or in-situ transmission electron microscope. Kinetic parameters of oxidation were measured through the oxidation studies at different temperatures with different partial pressures of oxidants. The microstructures of the SiC coating and the oxide layer after oxidation were carefully characterized via different techniques including scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam, transmission electron microscopy, and atom probe tomography. The oxidation mechanisms were ascertained in relation to the oxidation conditions and microstructures of the materials.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Nuclear Materials, Characterization, Ceramics


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Advanced Characterization of Oxidation Behavior of TRISO Fuel SiC Coating
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Evolution of the Internal Layer Structure in Irradiated TRISO Fuel
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High-resolution Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Boundary Resistance Mapping in TRISO
High-throughput Viscosity Measurements of Molten Salts for Molten Salt Reactors
Investigation of Damage Structure Evolution on Proton Irradiated Zr-alloys of Various Compositions Using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and TEM
Investigation of Hot-cell Capable Thermal Conductivity Measurements for Ceramic Fuels
Mesoscale Hybrid Model for Fission Gas Behavior in UO2: Coupling the Phase Field Method to Spatially Resolved Cluster Dynamics
Mesoscale Model of Gas Bubble Evolution and Creep in Monolithic UMo Fuels
Mesoscale Modeling of Effective Thermal Conductivity in U-Zr Fuels with Heterogeneous Phases
Micromechanical Behavior of Thermally Loaded Monoclinic U-6Nb
Microstructural Characterization of the Porous Pyrocarbon Buffer Layer in TRISO Fuel Particles
Modeling Irradiation-enhanced Diffusion in Advanced Ceramic Nuclear Fuels
Multiphysics Modeling of Fracture in Sintered Uranium Dioxide Pellets
N-1: 3D Reconstruction and Quantification of Oxide Nano-porosity in Zirconium Alloys
N-2: An Experimentally Validated Mesoscale Model for the Effective Thermal Conductivity of UZr Fuels
N-4: Atomistic Modeling of Transport Properties and Interaction with Point Defects of α-U Tilt Grain Boundaries
N-5: Characterization of Additively Manufactured UO2 Fuel Pellets with Pulsed Neutron Techniques and 450 keV X-ray CT
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Structural Analysis of the IPyC/SiC Interface of AGR-2 Irradiated and Safety Tested TRISO Fuel
Synergistic Electron/Thermal Microscope for High-throughput Screening of Emerging Nuclear Materials
The Effect of the Proton Irradiation Dose Rate on the Evolution of Microstructure in Zr Alloys: A Synchrotron Micro-beam X-ray and TEM Study
The Influence of Radiation-induced Microstructural Defects on the Optical and Elastic Properties of Ceramic Nuclear Fuels
Thermal Conductivity Degradation by Solid Fission Products: Machine Learning Coupled with First Principles Model
Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Microstructures in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels
Thermal Energy Transport in Defect-bearing and Uranium-doped Single Crystal Thorium Dioxide
Thermal Stability of Uranium Compounds and Advanced Nuclear Materials under Extreme Conditions
Thermal Transport Behavior of Pristine and Zirconium-doped Alpha-Uranium
Thermo-physical Properties of the Ternary (U2Cr)N3 Phase
Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Chlorides from 600-1600 K

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