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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Naval/Maritime Applications of Additively Manufactured Parts: Design and Experimental Approaches
Presentation Title Repeatability and Performance Prediction of Additively Manufactured 17-4 Stainless Steel
Author(s) Julianna Posey, Michael Duffy, Caroline Vail, Marc Zupan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Julianna Posey
Abstract Scope Research into additive manufacturing (AM) techniques as a viable process for next-generation marine vessels has identified various benefits for using precipitation hardened (PH) stainless steel alloyed components, including increased corrosion resistance and strength. In this work, thin fin 17% Chromium - 4% Nickel (17-4 PH) alloy structures of three different thicknesses (1-3 mm) and four different build angles (45-90 degrees) were manufactured using the EOS-M290 directed energy deposition AM process. The samples' mechanical and physical properties are assessed by surface roughness measurements of "upskin" and "downskin" surfaces. Vickers hardness testing is coupled with microtensile testing of samples harvested along the fin heights. Variations in fin microstructure are identified, characterized, and linked to measured mechanical properties. The impact of the AM build geometry and processing parameters is connected to the microstructure and materials response.


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Introductory Comments: Naval/Maritime Applications of Additively Manufactured Parts: Design and Experimental Approaches
Repeatability and Performance Prediction of Additively Manufactured 17-4 Stainless Steel

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