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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Resisting Degradation from the Environment: A Symposium Honoring Carolyn M. Hansson’s Research and Pioneering Experiences as a Woman in STEM
Presentation Title Characterization of Internal Oxidation in Alloy 690 and Model Ni Alloys
Author(s) Masoud Zakeri, Ibrahim Ogunsanya, Ali Ashrafriahi, Roger Newman
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Ibrahim Ogunsanya
Abstract Scope Oxidation behavior of Alloy 690 and model Ni alloys (Ni-30Cr-10Fe and Ni-35Cr-10Fe) was investigated after exposure to hydrogenated steam at 480 °C and 1 atm, considered to simulate primary water in pressurized water reactor. The alloys underwent internal oxidation intragranularly, resulting in the expulsion of Ni to the surface. In Alloy 690, protective external Cr-rich oxides formed around grain boundaries and hindered oxygen penetration and intergranular oxidation. Over time, a compact Cr-rich healing layer developed at internal oxidation front initiating at the grain boundary surface oxide, effectively stopping further internal oxidation penetration into the bulk alloy. In Ni-30Cr-10Fe and Ni-35Cr-10Fe, their increased Cr concentration resulted in increased intergranular carbides. These carbides served as Cr-reservoir and caused higher outward Cr flux and significant reduction of internal oxidation depth. Short circuit diffusion along grain boundaries and diffusion-induced grain boundary migration dramatically increased diffusion of reactive components and promoted protective oxide layer formation.


Characterization of Internal Oxidation in Alloy 690 and Model Ni Alloys
Correlating Crack Tip pH to Environment Assisted Cracking Performance in Al Alloys
Corrosion and Biocompatibility of 316L Stainless Steels Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting
Corrosion and Environmentally Assisted Cracking (EAC) Evaluation of Additively Manufactured (AM) High Strength Precipitation Hardened Steel (UNS S17400)
Corrosion of Fe-Cr-Mn Stainless Steel in Supercritical Water
Evaluating the Sensitivities of SCC Susceptibility in Stainless-steel Nuclear Waste Storage Containers
Galvanic Corrosion of Active and Passive Steel Bars with Different Area Ratios
Investigation of Crack Initiation in Hydrogen Embrittled Ni-base Alloy 725
Liquid Metal Embrittlement: Cracking Open the Disparate Mechanisms
Oxidation Behavior of Model FeCrAl Steel and APMT Alloy After Exposure in Steam
Quantifying the Environmentally Assisted Cracking Initiation and Short Crack Behavior in New Generation 7xxx Aluminium
Relating Microstructure to Environmental Degradation in Al-Mg Alloys
The Effect of Microstructural Surface States on the Corrosion of Additively Manufactured 316 Stainless Steel

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