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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Natural Fibers and Its Composites: A Sustainable Solution
Presentation Title Arapaima Gigas Scales, an Inspiration of a Natural Material for Composite Applications
Author(s) Henry A. Colorado, Sergio Neves, Carlos Mauricio Fontes Vieira
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Henry A. Colorado
Abstract Scope Arapaima gigas (also known as pirarucu) is one of the biggest river fish in the world. Its scales have evolved to a strong material with excellent performance in impact and other mechanical behavior. The scale is a natural composite and, in this research, its properties have been evaluated with several techniques, which include: tensile tests, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Some samples have been also fabricated and thus characterized involving multiple materials polyester and ceramic powders, which is motivated for the increasing use of artificial rocks. For these composites, in addition to the mentioned tests, compression strength evaluation was also included.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Composites,


Arapaima Gigas Scales, an Inspiration of a Natural Material for Composite Applications
Cement Composites Made with Powdered Coffee and Rice Husks
Characterization of Broom Sorghum Colm Fibers as Potential Natural Fiber Reinforcement for Polymer Composites
Characterization of Ubim Fiber by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
Characterization of “Melga” (Broom Sorghum) Panicle Fibers: Potential use as Natural Fiber Reinforcement for Polymer Composites
D-23: Corozo Palm Fibers: Mechanical Behavior and Potential Use for Composites
D-24: Feasibility Study of Incorporation of Dyeing Sludge in Red Ceramics
D-25: Tensile and Bend Properties of High Density Polyethylene Matrix Composites Reinforced with Graphene Nanoplatelets and Jute Fabric
D-43: Effects of Aging by Immersion in Water and Functionalized Epoxy Matrix with Graphene Nanoplates in Fique Fabric-reinforced Composites
Development of Nouvel Bio-based Epoxy Resin Made with Cardanol, Cashew Nut Shell Liquid Subproduct
Influence of the Incorporation of Particulates from the Pineapple Crown on the Impact Strength of Epoxy Systems
Mitigation of Urban Noise through the Implementation of Pumice with an Air Chamber on Building Facades
Mitigation of Urban Noise through the Implementation of Sound-absorbing Facade Skirting Boards Based on Epoxy Resin and Rice Husk Nanoparticles
Natural Fibers Used from Colombia and their Use as Potential Reinforcement for Composite Materials
Qualification of Polymeric Composites for Piping Repair by Tensile Testing
Recent Advances in Understanding Wood Cell Wall Material Properties

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