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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Integration between Modeling and Experiments for Crystalline Metals: From Atomistic to Macroscopic Scales V
Presentation Title Quantifying the Role of Coarse Intermetallic Particles on Twinning Behavior
Author(s) Benjamin Anthony, Victoria M. Miller
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Victoria M. Miller
Abstract Scope Deformation twinning is a mechanism of critical interest in magnesium alloys and other HCP metals, both due to its ability to accommodate strain and its tendency to contribute to failure by providing a preferential crack pathway along twin boundaries. This deleterious behavior is worsened by instances of twin transmission, where a twin impinging on a grain boundary nucleates an adjacent, connected twin in the neighboring grain due to intense local stresses. Many commercial Mg alloys feature coarse grain boundary intermetallic particles in their as-produced state which potentially impede or exacerbate the localized stresses that play a role in both twin transmission and twinning behavior. Combined EDS-EBSD is used to analyze grain boundary particles, deformation twins, and transmission events to determine how particle morphology, position, and grain orientation modify twinning behavior and transmission likelihood, and how these findings compare to computational results from Crystal Plasticity – Fast Fourier Transform modeling.


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Effects of Defects on Stress- and Thermally-induced Martensitic Transformation of Nanocrystalline NiTi Alloys: A Molecular Dynamics Study
From Anti-Arrhenius to Arrhenius Behavior in a Dislocation-obstacle Bypass
Hole Expansion Testing of Thin Sheet Materials at Various Strain Rates for Advanced Constitutive Model Calibration
Micromechanical Modeling of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625 Informed by in situ High-energy X-ray Diffraction
Misorientation Effects in Single Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modeling
Monte Carlo Grain Growth Simulations of Discontinuous Changes in Grain Boundary Velocity Induced by Grain Boundary Transformations
Plastic Deformation and Failure Predictions of Al-6061 with Inhomogeneities Using Finite Element Modeling Techniques Across Different Length Scales
Prediction and Quantification of Suzuki Segregation at Stacking Faults in FCC-based Alloys and Compounds
Prediction of Forming Limits for Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubes
Quantifying the Role of Coarse Intermetallic Particles on Twinning Behavior
The Role of Plastic Anisotropy on the Reorientation Trajectories of BCC Polycrystals
Unravelling the Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of {11-22} Twin in Titanium
Validation Experiments Developed for Casting Modeling

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