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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Ceramics for Environmental Remediation
Presentation Title Dyes and Antibiotics Degradation through Advanced Inorganic Nanostructures: Progress and Limitations of a Materials Science Approach
Author(s) Isabella Concina
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Isabella Concina
Abstract Scope Testified by an impressive number of investigations, the seek for photoactive nanomaterials to be applied as catalysts for water remediation is engaging since long the community of materials scientists. This lecture focuses on the critical presentation of some recent results on semiconductor-supported catalysis and photocatalysis, with particular reference to core-shell metal oxides, Prussian blue analogues and metalorganic framework/microporous polymer composites, to degrade dyes and antibiotics. We will discuss aspects of materials design, catalytic performance analysis, role of light-induced reactive oxygen species. Emphasis will be given to analyze the successful leaps forward in materials architecture and pollutants removal, but also to point out at relevant limitations of the current approach to this field, strategic for the scientific community to contribute to find solutions to human-related environmental pollution.


2-D and Layered Oxides for Environmental Catalysis Applications
Dyes and Antibiotics Degradation through Advanced Inorganic Nanostructures: Progress and Limitations of a Materials Science Approach
Greener Synthesis of Porous Two-dimensional Nanomaterials and Their Applications in Water Treatment
Inorganic Materials for Phosphorus Capture and the STEPS Center
Nanofibrous Oxide Ceramics: Manufacturing and Applications
Optimization of 1D Core-shell Heterostructures for Gas Sensing
Utilizing Band Diagrams to Engineer the Performance of Photocatalytic Processes

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