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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Ceramics and Glasses Modeling by Simulations and Machine Learning
Presentation Title Development of a Transferable Inter-atomic Potential for Boroaluminosilicate Glasses
Author(s) Rajesh Kumar, N M Anoop Krishnan
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rajesh Kumar
Abstract Scope Boroaluminosilicate glasses are used as a base glass for a variety practical applications ranging from smart phone protective screens to nuclear waste immobilization. Developing a transferable interatomic potential is crucial to study the structure and properties of boroaluminosilicate glasses. The development of such a potential is challenging due to the variable coordination states of boron atom depending on the presence of anions, also known as the boron anomaly. We developed a transferable potential which can be used to simulate the structure aluminoborosilicate and borosilicate glasses. Glass structures simulated exhibit close match with the experimental structure. The densities of a wide range of glasses exhibit excellent match with experimental values. Overall, the inter-atomic potential developed herein will be extremely useful to simulate the structure of a wide range of boroaluminosilicate glasses with applications in nuclear waste immobilization, and bullet-proof glass composites.


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