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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium 50 Years of Characterizing Structural Ceramics and Glasses: Recognizing the Contributions of George Quinn
Presentation Title On the Elastic Isotropy of the Entropy-stabilized Oxide (Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)O Compound
Author(s) Edgar Lara-Curzio, Krishna Chaitanya Pitike , Andres E. Marquez-Rossy, Alexis Flores-Betancourt, De Xin Chen, Santosh KC, Valentino R. Cooper
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Edgar Lara-Curzio
Abstract Scope The elastic properties of the entropy-stabilized oxide (Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)O compound were determined by nanoindentation and estimated using first principles calculations. Values of the indentation modulus obtained on grains with a wide range of crystallographic orientations revealed a high degree of elastic isotropy. First principles calculations predict mild elastic anisotropy for the paramagnetic structure, which decreases when the system is considered to be non-magnetic. When the antiferromagnetic state of CoO, CuO, and NiO is accounted for, a slight increase in elastic anisotropy is predicted, suggesting a coupling between magnetic ordering and the orientation dependent elastic properties. An examination of the local structure reveals that the isotropy is favored through local ionic distortions of Cu and Zn, due to their tendencies to form tenorite and wurtzite phases. The relationships between the elastic properties of the multicomponent oxide and those of its constituent binary oxides are reviewed


A Quintessential Standards Writer and the Tangible Benefits of Standards
Advanced Proof Testing for Structural Ceramics
Coating Effect on Vial Crack Response
Failure Analysis of a Large SiC Component
Fractal Analysis of Brittle Fracture and Crack Branching
Interpretation of ZerodurŪ Strength Data
Observations in Fracture Toughness Testing of Glasses and Optical Ceramics
On the 3rd Edition of the NIST Guide to Fractography of Ceramics and Glasses
On the Controversies during the Creation of Flexure Strength Standards MIL STD 1942 and ASTM C 1161
On the Elastic Isotropy of the Entropy-stabilized Oxide (Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)O Compound
Sectored-flexural and Rotational-Flexural-strength Testing of Brittle Material Cylinders and Tubes
Static and Dynamic Compression Strength of Ceramics and Glasses

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