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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Computation Assisted Materials Development for Improved Corrosion Resistance
Presentation Title Phase-field Modeling of Internal Oxidation in High-temperature Ni-Cr Alloys
Author(s) Peichen Wu, Rishi Pillai, Kumar Ankit
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Kumar Ankit
Abstract Scope The morphological evolution of oxides in Ni-base alloys is governed by a complex interplay of multicomponent diffusion and heterogeneous reactions. Predicting the evolution of oxide particles is crucial in mitigating oxygen-induced degradation, as the transition from external to internal oxidation is strongly influenced by this process. This presents a significant challenge in high-temperature alloys, where the impact of multicomponent diffusion and grain boundaries on internal oxidation cannot be fully understood through experiments alone. In this study, we present a CALPHAD-informed phase-field model for forecasting the oxidation kinetics in Ni-Cr alloys during high-temperature oxidation. The influence of grain boundaries, initial microstructure, and operating conditions on the morphological evolution of oxide particles will be discussed and the simulation outcomes will be compared to experiments.


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Phase-field Modeling of Internal Oxidation in High-temperature Ni-Cr Alloys
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