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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Synthesis, Characterization and Application of 3D Graphene
Presentation Title Development of Highly Efficient TCR with Free-standing Multilayer Graphene
Author(s) Minhee Yun
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Minhee Yun
Abstract Scope Graphene has many excellent properties that lend themselves to electronic, optical, and thermal applications. In order to create these devices, it is imperative to understand how the properties of single layer and multilayer graphene are modified by substrate and surface interactions. This work experimentally determines the resistance change due to temperature in graphene due to the substrate. This work also investigates how adding nanoparticles to the graphene surface may additionally modify the properties of graphene. Our results indicate a clear modification of the properties of graphene due to substrate and surface interactions.


3D Graphene as an Efficient Electrode for Capacitive Deionization
Development of Highly Efficient TCR with Free-standing Multilayer Graphene
Graphene-enabled Nanocomposites
Synthesis and Application of 3D Surface-microporous Graphene

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