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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium 2020 Light Metals Keynote Session
Presentation Title The Norwegian Perspective
Author(s) Nina Dahl
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nina Dahl
Abstract Scope The Norwegian model for cooperation between industry, research institutes and the universities, sometimes called 'The Norwegian co-creation model' has developed over decades and is today a proven success in solving relevant fundamental and applied challenges with continuity as a key. Over the recent years, the Norwegian light metal sector has been in the forefront of reducing environmental impact, improving sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint. This is very important actions - maybe the most important action in order to recruit the next generations of scientists to the sector. Young people strongly care about the environment and are motivated by the challenges this implies for the society. This is followed up and supported by the universities, that are running active information campaigns focusing on the importance and impact of materials technology as one of the most important, forward-looking studies to solve the global challenges of a modern society.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided


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The Norwegian Perspective

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