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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Advances in Surface Engineering
Presentation Title Non-Linear Through-Hole Fabrication by Electrochemical Machining
Author(s) Danny Liu, Brian Skinn, Andrew Moran, Stephen Snyder, Mike Horonzy, Timothy Hall
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Brian Skinn
Abstract Scope Electrochemical machining (ECM) is an established manufacturing technique that possesses several advantages relative to traditional machining including: 1) applicability to hard and difficult to cut materials, 2) no tool wear, 3) high material removal rate, 4) smooth bright surface finish, and 5) production of parts with complex geometry. This talk will summarize recent efforts to demonstrate the feasibility of machining non-linear through-holes in metallic substrates via multi-step ECM. Results from initial experimental ECM activities will be presented, clearly demonstrating the capability to achieve non-linear holes. The potential for multiphysics modeling to provide accurate guidance on tool shape and ECM process parameters to achieve target machined geometries will also be discussed.


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Non-Linear Through-Hole Fabrication by Electrochemical Machining
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