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Meeting MS&T23: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Emergent Materials Under Extremes and Decisive In Situ Characterizations
Presentation Title Perspectives of IXS and NRS Studies in the APSU Era
Author(s) Jiyong Zhao
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jiyong Zhao
Abstract Scope Inelastic X-ray Scattering (IXS) and Nuclear Resonant Scattering (NRS) have been important programs at Advanced Photon Source (APS) for more than 25 years. Information acquired from these techniques such as dispersive curves, density of states, sound velocities, phonon electron couplings, hyperfine interactions, magnetic phase transitions and melting of materials has great impact on scientific research, complimentary to diffractions and other spectroscopy methods. With the ongoing APS storage ring upgrade, we expect these programs to expend in performance and scope, especially for applications on extreme conditions using smaller beam size introduced by the upgrade. Detailed upgrades will be described for these beamlines, and future perspectives on the user program will be given in the talk.


Capturing Laser Induced Dynamics of Materials via Single-Shot Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy
HP-XAFS and Its Application to Topological Insulator Bi2Te3
In-situ Observations of the High Temperature Melting Behaviour of Ce-brannerite
In-situ Raman Studies on Synthesis and Oxidation of UC1-xNx
In-situ/Operando Characterization of Emerging Materials with MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffraction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
In Situ Characterization and Modeling of Spent UO2 Fuel under Ion Irradiation
Irradiation Induced Structural and Thermal Conductivity Changes in Nuclear Fuels
Magnetic Scattering and Spectroscopy at High Pressures at APS and APS-U
Modulation of Structure-function Motifs in Optoelectronic Metal Halides Using High Pressure
Neutron Scattering for Studying Materials Under Extreme Conditions
Perspectives of IXS and NRS Studies in the APSU Era
Polar Magnets in High-Pressure Exotic Perovskites
Pressure-induced Non-monotonic Crossover of Steady Relaxation Dynamics in a Metallic Glass
Pressure Driving Dual-layer Superconductivity in 4Hb-TaSe2 TMD
Structural Manipulation of Ceramic Materials via Extreme Conditions
Will High-entropy Carbides Be Enabling Materials for Extreme Environments?

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