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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Probabilistic Life Prediction of Materials in Aging Systems
Presentation Title Increasing Operation Life of Light Water Reactors by using Accident Tolerant Fuels
Author(s) Raul B. Rebak
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Raul B. Rebak
Abstract Scope Nuclear power generated by using the heat from a fission reaction is clean, and it is safe. This form of commercial civilian electricity has been in use for over six decades mainly by means of light water cooled reactors. The type of alloys and materials employed for the construction of these reactors has changed little since their initial design and selection in the 1940s. Currently the international materials community is considering novel alternatives to the traditional materials for both the cladding and the fuel in the reactors. Three main options exist for the cladding; (a) coated zirconium alloys, (b) FeCrAl alloys, and (c) silicon carbide based composites. Newer fuel concepts include (1) modified urania, and (2) higher uranium density materials. The use of the newer proposed materials not only will increase the operation life of the reactors, but it will also make the reactors safer to operate.


Increasing Operation Life of Light Water Reactors by using Accident Tolerant Fuels
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Probabilistic Life-cycle Decision Optimization with Bayesian Networks for Aging Fixed Equipment and Piping in the Energy Industries
Probabilistic Prediction of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Oil & Gas Pipelines Using Bayesian Network

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