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Meeting 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Atom Probe Tomography for Advanced Characterization of Metals, Minerals and Materials III
Presentation Title Elucidating Solute Clustering and Precipitation of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-Si Model Alloys
Author(s) Jiehua Li, Zhiehng An, Fredrik Hage, Quentin Ramasse, Gang Sha
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Jiehua Li
Abstract Scope Solute clustering and precipitation in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag–Si model alloy has been investigated by atom probe tomography (APT) as well as high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in the scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Nine types of solute clusters were observed by APT in the as-quenched alloy and after ageing the alloy at 180°C for 1h. Three types of precipitates were observed by APT and HAADF-STEM after ageing at 180°C for 24h and 100h. The plate-like Ω (AlCuMgAg) precipitates evolve continuously from the MgAgCu and MgAgCuSi clusters, rather than via heterogeneous nucleation on their precursors (i.e. MgAgCu and MgAgCuSi clusters). Our results thus reveal links between a variety of solute clusters and the different types of precipitates in the Al–Cu–Mg–Ag–Si model alloy. Such information can in the future be used to control the precipitation by tailoring solute clustering.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume


A Review of Atom Probe Tomography Technology: The Present and Future
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Elucidating Solute Clustering and Precipitation of Al-Cu-Mg-Ag-Si Model Alloys
Material Alterations in Intense Mechanical and Chemical Contacts
Morphological Classification of Dense Objects in Atom Probe Tomography Data
Nanoparticle Sample Preparation for Atom Probe Tomography: Chemical Fixation and Cryo-Fixation
Quantifying Compositional Uncertainty Arising from Peak Overlaps
Understanding Early Stages of Nanoscale Hydriding and Oxidation Mechanisms in Metallic Systems via Atom Probe Tomography and Multimodal Chemical Imaging

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