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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Recent Advances in Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and Related Techniques
Presentation Title Phase Differentiation in Half- and Full-Heusler Composites Using EBSD
Author(s) Patrick Gregory Callahan, McLean Echlin, Jason Douglas, Tresa Pollock
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Patrick Gregory Callahan
Abstract Scope Half- and full-Heusler composite materials are promising thermoelectric materials. The interfacial boundaries between phases in these composites play an important role reducing thermal conductivity by scattering phonons. Here we show that electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) can be used to differentiate between half-Heusler NiTiSn and full-Heusler Ni2TiSn in a composite material. Due to the similarity in EBSD patterns of the F-43m NiTiSn (SG 216) and the Fm3m Ni2TiSn (SG 225), traditional Hough indexing fails to discriminate between these two phases. Previously, EDS was used to differentiate between the two phases, with considerable reduction in collection speed. Here we show advanced EBSD indexing techniques including dictionary indexing, template matching, or spherical indexing enables phase differentiation between the two phases. We will also show that EBSD can be used to identify grain boundaries within half-Heusler regions traditional indexing would fail to identify by studying the profile of Kikuchi bands in addition to location.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Characterization, Modeling and Simulation,


A Multi-generational Study of Detectors for Use in Cross-correlation-based EBSD: From Scintillators to Direct Detection
Accelerating Dictionary Indexing with Principal Component Analysis
Application of a Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm on Deformation Extraction from EBSD Patterns
Applications of 3D EBSD for Understanding Complex Microstructures
Challenges and Prospects of TKD for Nanocrystalline Materials Characterization
Cross-sectional Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging
Enhanced SEM-based Electron Diffraction Analyses Using Intelligent Hybrid Pattern Matching
Exploring New Capabilities in Electron Backscattered Diffraction Using Direct Electron Detectors
Extraction of Defect Images by Post-processing of EBSD Patterns
Fast Forward Model Indexing: Theory and Application
Kikuchipy: An Open-Source Toolbox for Analysis of EBSD Patterns
Micro-analysis of δ-hydrides in Pure Zirconium by HR-EBSD and TKD
Microstructural Evolution Revealed by EBSD in Aluminum Alloys After Severe Plastic Deformation
Phase Differentiation in Half- and Full-Heusler Composites Using EBSD
Phase Distinction of Ordered Intermetallic Phases Using EBSD
Spherical Indexing Based on Dictionary Indexing Applied to Overlapping Pattern of Low-scattering Forsterite Due to Small Grain Sizes
The Use of NLPAR in the Analysis of Low Misorientation Gradients
Toward Correlative Grain Boundary Analysis in CIGS

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