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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Ceramic and Crystal Materials for Optics and Photonics
Presentation Title Investigation Into Improving Scintillation Properties of Cesium Hafnium Chloride
Author(s) Cordell Delzer, Ketaki Joshi, Luis Stand, Nerine Cherepy, Steve A. Payne, Xianfei Wen, Jason Hayward
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Cordell Delzer
Abstract Scope Scintillators remain an important and large part of our toolbox for use in detection, identification, and localization of potential radiological or nuclear threats. For this application, users desire to have a high density, high-Z, high light yield, non-hygroscopic, and high energy resolution scintillator. One possible candidate is cesium hafnium chloride (CHC). This material shows the potential to outperform NaI(Tl) in all of said criteria. Due to its cubic structure allowing for fast growth, it has the potential to be cheaper than other high performance scintillators like strontium Iodide or lanthanum bromide. So far, CHC crystals of sizes larger than a cubic centimeter have still not shown performance equal to that of the best smaller crystals. In this work, we investigate ways to improve CHC performance as a larger volume scintillator, as well as CHC’s dual mode detection and potential self-calibration capabilities.


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Investigation Into Improving Scintillation Properties of Cesium Hafnium Chloride
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Microstructural Evolution and Cantilever Bending of AlON Transparent Ceramics
Nano-phosphor Materials Synthesized by Novel Soft Chemistry, Water-assisted Solid-state Reaction Method
Plate/Powder Form of Single Crystal Phosphors for High-brightness White Lighting
Self Activated Ca3Si2O7 + Ca2SiO4:Dy3+ Phosphors Derived from Agro-food Wastes
ZnS:Ag Scintillators: Synthesis, Microstructure, and Luminescence

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