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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Ceramics and Glasses Modeling by Simulations and Machine Learning
Presentation Title Data Driven Design and Enhancement of Machinable Glass Ceramics
Author(s) Prachi Garg, Scott Broderick, Baishakhi Mazumder
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Prachi Garg
Abstract Scope Machinable glass ceramics (MGC) are composed of a borosilicate glassy matrix with a crystalline phase, and with excellent machinability and high temperature working conditions. Machinability arises due to the crack propagation in the individual crystals, making crystallization a critical point of consideration. However, a significant challenge is that there are limited hardness values available along with a nearly infinite chemical search space. To address this challenge, we developed an ensemble data mining approach to model the hardness of over 250 new MGC compositions with high accuracy and robustness. Thus, our model guides future experiments based on the precious limited data available. Designing an experiment is challenging due to limited hardness values and infinite chemical search base. Our model was instead trained on the extracted data from different sources to guide future experiments. Coupling these results with microstructural studies provides a unique feedback on the fabrication of state-of-the-art machinable glass ceramics.


A Physics Informed Machine Learning Approach to Predict Glass Forming Ability
D-7: Development of Structural Descriptors to Predict Dissolution Rate of Volcanic Glasses: Molecular Dynamic Simulations
D-8: Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Polymer Derived Ceramics
Data-driven Prediction of Room Temperature Density of Multicomponent Silicate-based Glasses
Data Driven Design and Enhancement of Machinable Glass Ceramics
Developing ReaxFF for Simulation of Silicon Carbonitride Polymer-derived Ceramics
In-Silico Simulations of Polymer Pyrolysis
Machine Learning-Derived Atomistic Potentials for Y2Si2O7 and Yb2Si2O7
Machine Learning Defect Properties of Semiconductors
Machine Learning to Design and Discover Sustainable Cementitious Binders: Learning from Small Databases and Developing Closed-form Analytical Models
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Tellurite Glasses
Molecular Dynamics Study of Domain Switching Dynamics in KNbO3 and BaTiO3
Natural Language Processing Aided Understanding of Material Science Literature
Pore-resolved Simulations of Chemical Vapor Infiltration in 3D Printed Preforms and the Kinetic Regimes
Predicting and Accessing Metastable Phases
Predicting the Dynamics of Atoms in Glass-Forming Liquids by a Surrogate Machine-Learned Simulator
Quantifying the Local Structure of Metallic Glass as a Function of Composition and Atomic Size
Using Machine Learning Empirical Potentials to Investigate Interdiffusion at Metal-Chalcogenide Alloy Interfaces

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