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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Online Teaching Best Practices for the COVID Era and Beyond
Presentation Title Working Together Apart: Design Thinking and Sustainable Engineering Design Projects Online
Author(s) Nancy Ruzycki
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Nancy Ruzycki
Abstract Scope The pandemic created a large barrier for experiential learning laboratories within engineering departments, with many student laboratories being shut down or moved to entirely virtual (Labster, JoVE, PIVOT Interactives)experiences. At the University of Florida EMA3000L, a sophomore level materials science laboratory, focuses on design thinking, engineering design, sustainable engineering and entrepreneurship and helps students understand application of the materials tetrahedron within engineering design. When this lab was moved entirely online for spring 2021, the course was redesigned so students could have small group design experiences and utilize cell phone apps to help characterize materials properties as part of the design process in the same way they would in a face to face course. This talk will highlight the course design and share examples of how authentic engineering can be created in an online laboratory experience.


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Working Together Apart: Design Thinking and Sustainable Engineering Design Projects Online

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