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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium
Presentation Title Phase Formation and Mechanical Properties of (Mg,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn)O High Entropy Ceramics by Field Assisted Sintering Technology
Author(s) Fei Chen, Weichen Hong, Mingyong Jia, Qiang Shen
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Fei Chen
Abstract Scope High-entropy ceramics are new materials that have only emerged in recent years. Due to its high degree of chaos and special phase structure, high-entropy ceramics have great potential in basic scientific research and practical application. In this presentation, the reaction sequence and mechanical properties of (Mg,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn)O high entropy ceramics that were synthesized using field assisted sintering technology are investigated. The evolution from binary oxide starting powders to a single-phase rock salt structure exhibits a distinct incorporation sequence. MgO, CoO and NiO are the first to be incorporated into the high entropy ceramic followed by CuO and ZnO, which exhibits a different crystal structure. In addition, a trade-off between densification and grain growth result in a maximum in strength (323 MPa) and elastic modulus (108 GPa) after densification at 900 °C.


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Introductory Comments: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Awards Symposium
Phase Formation and Mechanical Properties of (Mg,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn)O High Entropy Ceramics by Field Assisted Sintering Technology
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