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Meeting Materials Science & Technology 2020
Symposium Engineered Phase Transformations
Presentation Title Phase Fraction Measurements in Textured Materials
Author(s) Adam Creuziger, Michael Cox, Kip Findley, Thomas Gnaupel-Herold, Whitney Poling, Chris Calhoun
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Adam Creuziger
Abstract Scope Many advanced high-strength steels rely on metastable austenite phase for improvements in strength and formability. Accounting for crystallographic texture in phase fraction measurements remains a challenge to current standards and practices. Several techniques have been proposed to provide accurate austenite phase fraction measurements in textured materials, such as averaging the intensity of several peaks and/or summation of intensity from several sample orientations. This presentation will show the results of a series of numerical experiments that sought to quantify the effects of texture on the measurement of the austenite phase fraction, with an emphasis on techniques suitable for laboratory X-ray diffraction. The resulting phase fraction calculations showed that texture, the number of peak pairs and the sampling method have a drastic effect on phase fraction measurements, causing significant bias errors. Hexagonal grids produced minimal bias errors and demonstrated a robust method of measuring phase fractions in textured materials.


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Phase Fraction Measurements in Textured Materials

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