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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Additive Manufacturing Keynote Session
Presentation Title Alloy-Design for Additive Manufacturing: An Atomic-Scale Perspective
Author(s) Dierk R. Raabe
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Dierk R. Raabe
Abstract Scope While Additive Manufacturing, and in particular Laser Additive Manufacturing, is by now well-established for producing metallic parts, studies targeting the segregation and structural interface features at the atomic- and nanoscale for microstructure-optimisation of existing alloys and the design of novel advanced alloys tailored specifically to Laser Additive Manufacturing are sparse. The lecture therefore provides a brief overview of the atomic-scale partitioning, segregation and precipitation mechanisms during additive manufacturing of complex engineering alloys as a starting point to develop metallic materials that are not only suitable for Additive Manufacturing but which actually exploit their unique thermo-mechanical characteristics.
Proceedings Inclusion? Undecided
Keywords Additive Manufacturing, Iron and Steel, High-Temperature Materials


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